
Explore commonly used energy management and Flowbox related terms.

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BESS, which stands for Battery Energy Storage System, is a technology that allows for the storage of electrical energy for later use using batteries.

BESS can be used for a variety of purposes, including ensuring stable energy supply, optimizing the use of energy from renewable sources such as solar panels or wind turbines, reducing energy costs, and increasing energy independence. BESS systems enable more efficient use of generated energy by storing excess energy during times of low consumption and releasing it when demand is high or production from renewable sources is insufficient. Thanks to their flexibility and rapid deployment capability, BESS play a key role in transitioning to more sustainable energy systems and support stable and efficient operation of power grids.



BIM, or Building Information Modeling, is a process that allows architects, engineers, builders, and property owners to digitally model and manage the physical and functional characteristics of buildings and infrastructure. BIM provides a comprehensive digital representation of a building, including detailed information about its structure, materials, energy properties, and other aspects.



BMS, or Building Management System, is a computer system used for monitoring and controlling technical equipment in buildings, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, security systems, and more. The goal of a BMS is to increase efficiency and energy savings, improve comfort for building occupants, and reduce operating costs.


Community Energy

Community energy (sometimes also referred to as community energy systems) is a concept that allows local communities to create, manage, and use energy resources close to the point of consumption. The goal is to enhance energy independence, support renewable energy sources, optimize local energy flows, and increase the efficiency of the overall energy supply system.


Digital twin

A digital twin is a virtual model of a real object, system or process. This model is created based on data and allows real-time simulation, analysis and optimization of operations. It helps companies monitor performance, predict failures and test different scenarios without physical intervention. A digital twin is created based on data collected from a physical object that is equipped with sensors and other technologies to collect information. This data is then analyzed and used to simulate real-world conditions and situations. One of the main advantages of a digital twin is the ability to test different scenarios without impacting the actual system or equipment. For example, companies can simulate how a change in production would affect efficiency, allowing them to make better decisions and avoid potential problems. The digital twin is thus a revolutionary tool for improving efficiency and innovation, and its importance will only grow in the future as technologies like IoT develop.
The FLOWBOX simulator uses real data to test various scenarios and the impact of different measures on a company's energy system. The simulation also serves to significantly reduce the risk of inappropriate investment choices (e.g. PV size, battery storage, etc.). However, advanced simulation can also simulate purchasing strategy, spot prices or community energy engagement and planning.



EMOS, or Energy Management and Optimization Systems, represent a comprehensive software solution designed for energy-intensive organizations aiming to design, implement, measure, and optimize enterprise-wide energy management and performance optimization programs. These solutions are crucial for achieving production goals with regard to energy savings, greenhouse gas emission management, and compliance with regulatory mandates.

EMOS provide tools for data collection, management, analysis, planning, and reporting, enabling organizations to save energy, reduce costs, manage greenhouse gas emissions, and meet regulatory and ESG requirements.

In a period of unstable energy prices, decreasing energy security, and increasing focus on climate change, EMOS have become an essential tool for organizations striving to optimize their energy consumption, reduce their carbon footprint, and still meet their operational goals.

Energy efficiency represents the most significant measure for reducing energy demand in the International Energy Agency (IEA)'s scenario for achieving zero emissions by 2050.

Key Aspects of EMOS

Energy Efficiency

Using data analysis and advanced algorithms, EMOS identifies areas for improving energy efficiency and helps reduce energy consumption without negatively impacting operational performance.

Management and Optimization of Consumption

Systems allow for detailed monitoring and real-time control of energy consumption, including the ability to manage predictively based on the analysis of historical data and trends.

Integration with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Many EMOS solutions are equipped or integrable with IIoT technologies, allowing for real-time data collection from a broad network of sensors and devices.

Decision Support

Offers analytical tools and dashboards for data-based decision-making that enable energy consumption optimization and cost reduction.

Sustainability and Compliance

Helps organizations achieve their sustainability goals, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and meet regulatory and legislative requirements in energy and the environment.

EMOS solutions are often deployed as Software as a Service (SaaS), allowing for a flexible and scalable solution that can grow and adapt to the changing needs of the organization. These systems are crucial for companies looking for ways to efficiently manage their energy consumption, reduce operational costs, and support sustainable development.

Examples of EMOS Solutions

An example of an EMOS tool is the Czech company FLOWBOX. FLOWBOX provides a tool for managing and optimizing energy flows and commodities. Integrating all technologies that produce and consume energy, whether electricity, gas, water, heat, or special gases, the FLOWBOX software consolidates them into one environment and ensures their orchestration, thus achieving perfect utilization. By reducing energy consumption, there is a reduction in CO2 and carbon footprint.



EPBD stands for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, an EU directive that sets requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings within EU countries. This directive is a key part of EU legislation aimed at reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby combating climate change.

The core elements of the EPBD include:

Energy Efficiency Certification: Buildings must have a certificate that provides information about their energy efficiency and recommendations for improvement.

Minimum Standards: The EPBD requires member states to set minimum energy efficiency requirements for new buildings, as well as for major renovations of existing buildings.

Systems and Inspections: The directive mandates that building technical systems be regularly inspected to ensure they remain efficient and functional.

Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB): From a certain date, all new buildings must be "nearly zero-energy buildings" (NZEB), which means they have very low energy consumption largely covered by renewable sources.

Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI): The EPBD introduces the concept of the SRI, an indicator designed to assess the ability of buildings to use information and communication technologies and electronic systems to optimize operation and interact with the energy network.

Thus, the goal of the EPBD is to promote improvements in building energy efficiency to reduce overall energy consumption in the EU, which is crucial for achieving the energy and climate goals set by the European Union.



Energy Performance Contracting - a business model usually based on enegetic KPIs.



ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. This term is primarily used in the context of investments and business to describe the criteria used to assess a company's impact on society and the environment, and to evaluate their management and governance practices.

Environmental criteria focus on how a company approaches environmental protection. This includes aspects such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, sustainable sourcing, and biodiversity protection. Social criteria examine how a company treats its employees, suppliers, customers, and local communities. This can include working conditions, protection of employee rights, community involvement, and customer satisfaction. Governance aspects relate to a company’s management structures and practices, including transparency, corporate governance, ethics, executive compensation, and shareholder rights protection.

ESG criteria are increasingly important for investors who want to invest in a manner that is not only financially advantageous but also brings social and environmental benefits. Companies with high ESG ratings are often considered less risky and better prepared for long-term challenges and opportunities.

FLOWBOX exemplifies ESG in action, particularly in the Environmental category, as its technology significantly contributes to reducing emissions. By optimizing energy management and integrating sustainable practices, FLOWBOX directly supports the environmental objectives of ESG, demonstrating real-world application and impact.



Electromobility refers to the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as part of the transition to a more sustainable transportation system. The goal of electromobility is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, and improve air quality in cities. Electromobility includes various types of vehicles, including electric cars, motorcycles, scooters, buses, and trucks, as well as the supporting infrastructure for charging these vehicles.



EnPI, which stands for Energy Performance Indicators, are metrics used to measure the efficiency of energy use in companies or buildings. EnPIs are crucial for assessing energy efficiency and for identifying areas where improvements can be made. Using EnPIs, we can compare performance over time or between different operations to determine whether energy strategies and initiatives are actually delivering the expected savings.

For companies implementing systems like FLOWBOX EMOS, EnPIs are fundamental building blocks for monitoring and managing energy performance. For example, these could include indicators such as energy consumption per unit of product manufactured or energy needed to heat a square meter of a building. Properly set EnPIs allow organizations to track progress in improving energy efficiency and set realistic goals for reducing energy consumption.


Energy Resilience

Energy Resilience or also Security (external attacks can disrupt energy supplies, e.g. cyber attacks, etc.) and Self-sufficiency (how to survive without external supplies, in the extreme, perhaps an island regime) resilience to price fluctuations (war and energy crisis will come and companies should not be put down).



Since 2012, the Czech company FLOWBOX has been developing a unique software platform for autonomous energy management, and since 2024, it has been providing consulting and energy audits. All technologies that produce and consume energy, whether electricity, gas, water, heat, or special gases, are integrated by FLOWBOX software into one environment and ensures their orchestration for optimal use.

FLOWBOX operates in the industry, real estate, or in the area of smart cities and community energy in the Czech Republic and abroad.


In 2012, Petr Vaněk (then Head of R&D at T-Mobile CE) decided to digitize the technologies in his home, long before smart home solutions became standard in the market.

The excellent functionality of his prototype convinced him that the potential of this solution far exceeded the relatively simple challenges of family homes. He thus began to collaborate very early with the first customers from the industrial sector, among them the company Baumruk & Baumruk led by Martin Baumruk. Visionary companies like Baumruk & Baumruk helped Petr Vaněk continually expand and technologically advance FLOWBOX.

Not long after, his co-founder Tomáš Macák joined him, and together they succeeded in building a strong team and expanding the platform into other segments. Over the years, the FLOWBOX platform has begun to make its mark in Real Estate and Smart Cities segments.

In 2018, Tomáš Rendla, the current director and owner, joined Petr and Tomáš and quickly jump-started the business side of the company, helping it reach a global level.

In the following years, FLOWBOX continued to grow, for example, in 2022, FLOWBOX recorded a fourfold increase in revenue and by that time had completed more than two hundred installations in industrial, administrative, or commercial buildings (companies in automotive, glassworks, steel mills, HealthTech, and others).

The energy crisis has created a huge market demand for efficient management of all types of energy and likewise, legislative requirements have pushed companies to increase the economy of buildings and industrial production. FLOWBOX was able to capitalize on this, staying ahead of the market and for years developing technology that helps address the energy crisis, regulations, and ESG goals, and reduce carbon footprints.

At the beginning of 2023, the investment group Behind Inventions entered into FLOWBOX.

"With FLOWBOX, we focus on the theme of strategic business development, go-to-market strategy, and scalability. We also assist in selling the offered solution to large customers in the areas of industry, logistics, office buildings, and shopping centers, both in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe," adds Diana Rádl Rogerová from Behind Inventions, formerly the highest representative of the domestic branch of the consulting firm Deloitte and the manager of the year 2022.


In 2021, FLOWBOX was selected as one of the climate solutions presented by the Solar Impulse Foundation. In 2022, FLOWBOX won at the Disraptors Summit in Prague as the best startup in Europe. In 2023, FLOWBOX received the certificate for the best Smart city solution for a municipality of up to 10,000 inhabitants (Milevsko).

Vision and Goals

FLOWBOX focuses on both the Czech market and global market expansion. Customers include municipalities, factories, residential properties, shopping malls, and even large multinational companies.

FLOWBOX's services have gradually expanded to include energy consulting and energy management. Energy is often complex for building owners, so FLOWBOX offers comprehensive care, from assessing the state, creating an energy concept, to continuous optimization of energy solutions.

Besides business growth, FLOWBOX wants to open up the topic of energy and make it clearer. For example, in 2024 it is introducing an online calculator of energy maturity, which can estimate the annual energy savings after entering data.


FLOWBOX and its tool for energy management (EMOS) manage energy flows in more than 300 buildings in real estate, industry, and smart cities. Additionally, FLOWBOX can integrate photovoltaic power plants, electric vehicle charging stations, battery storage, and other technologies within modern local energy systems.

After deploying monitoring functions and subsequent operational algorithms, the FLOWBOX platform can autonomously manage technologies based on internal and external data inputs. Continuous energy management helps achieve perfect operational efficiency.



Flexibility in relation to energy distribution systems (EDS) refers to the ability of an energy system to respond to variable energy supply and demand in order to maintain the reliability and stability of the network. Flexibility is increasingly important with the growing share of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, which are naturally variable and dependent on weather conditions.


ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard that defines the requirements for an information security management system. The standard specifies requirements for managing information security, requiring companies to handle all internal or shared information with their partners or employees in such a way as to prevent loss, misuse, or even a breach of trust.

Benefits of the standard for an organization:

  • It brings about efficiency in processes through the standardization of activities related to classifying risks associated with the loss or misuse of information.
  • It enables individual companies to gain trust when sharing information with their business partners.
  • It reduces the risk of additional costs related to potential unexpected events.
  • It decreases the costs associated with the maintenance and development of information technologies within the company.
  • It improves the approach of government regulatory agencies, including compliance with new legislation under the GDPR Directive.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is an international standard specifying requirements for establishing, maintaining, and improving energy management in organizations. This standard is based on a model of continuous improvement, also known as the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

The goal of ISO 50001 is to enable organizations to systematically manage their energy performance, reduce energy consumption and costs, and also help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.



NZEB stands for 'Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings,' a standard defined within the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). NZEBs are buildings with a very low annual energy demand for operation, which should be largely covered by renewable sources produced on-site or nearby.



OEE, or Overall Equipment Effectiveness, is a standard metric used to measure the manufacturing efficiency of equipment. OEE assesses how effectively manufacturing equipment is utilized compared to its maximum potential. It is a comprehensive indicator that combines three fundamental components of performance: availability, performance, and quality.

Availability measures the portion of planned operating time the equipment was actually ready and capable of production. It takes into account downtime caused by failures, maintenance, or changeovers.Performance evaluates how fast the equipment operates compared to its theoretical maximum speed during the time it is available. It includes slowdowns caused by minor stops or reduced operational speed.Quality assesses the proportion of products that meet quality standards out of the total number produced, including the rate of waste and rework.OEE is calculated as the product of these three components and is expressed as a percentage. High OEE values indicate that the equipment is being used efficiently, while low values point to problems in one of the efficiency components that need to be addressed. OEE is thus a useful tool for identifying areas of loss and opportunities for improvement in the manufacturing process.



PV plant, or photovoltaic power station, is a device for generating electrical energy by converting sunlight into electric current using photovoltaic cells. These cells are typically made from semiconductor materials that generate electric current when exposed to light.

Photovoltaic power stations can be installed on a small scale on the roofs of homes or buildings, or as large, standalone solar parks spread over extensive areas. The main advantages of using PV plants include the renewability and cleanliness of the energy source, low operating costs, and the ability to produce energy even in locations remote from central distribution networks.


Renewable energy

The more renewables, the more challenging it is to manage the transmission system and therefore follows the theme of Flexibility, Orchestration etc.



SRI, or Smart Readiness Indicator, is an indicator introduced as part of the revised European Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD). SRI provides a scale that allows for the assessment of a building's or units within a building's ability to adaptively and intelligently respond to user needs and network operational requirements, with the aim of optimizing energy efficiency and overall performance.



UPS, or Uninterruptible Power Supply, is a device that provides emergency power to electrical equipment in the event of a power failure or instability in the main energy source. UPS maintains continuous power supply by immediately taking over the power supply of connected devices using built-in batteries or another backup energy source.

The primary purpose of a UPS is to protect critical electronic systems and data from sudden power outages, which could cause hardware damage, data loss, or interruption of important operations. UPS systems are often used in various applications, including data centers, hospitals, telecommunications facilities, and anywhere that requires a high degree of electrical power reliability.


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